How Antivirus Software Protects Children from Cyberthreats

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The past Covid-19 pandemic kept children and teenagers away from physically attending schools and colleges. Teaching and submitting assignments became online. Zoom and Google Meet were some of the popular platforms used for online teaching. While the Internet provides a convenient platform for education as well gives access to a treasure-trove of information, it has harmful facets to it.
Today’s generation of children have early access to smartphones and computers. Generally, they are more tech savvy than their parents. Cyberthreats include computer viruses, Cyberbullying, identity theft, scams, body shaming and others.
Use Parental Control Option
Anti-Virus Software not only block malicious programs/apps/files but also come with parental controls. Parents can block certain websites and apps. They can put passwords to block access to their respective smartphones and computers. The software allows parents to block websites spreading misinformation. You can also block inappropriate content such as those of sexual and/or violent nature. Remember children tend to copy what they see/watch whether it be in real life or online.
Educate Your Children
It is not possible to monitor children round the clock. So, make them a partner to protect them from cyberthreats. There exist adults posing as children on various social media platforms or chat rooms. Children cannot make out whether the person they are communicating with is an adult or child. Tell your children not to trust strangers whether offline or online. Warn them against disclosing personal details such as name, age and school/home address. Tell them never to share their pictures no matter how much they know their cyberfriends.
Keep Communication Channels Open
Tell children that they will not be punished even if they have committed a mistake. This step makes you more approachable. Many children are afraid of being punished by their parents. That is the reason why they don’t disclose everything to their parents. Be a friend to your children and encourage them to talk about their cyber experiences. Guide them how to use the web safely without becoming victims to online predators. In case of certain incidents, you may have to report the same to the concerned authorities.
The Importance of Having Hard to Guess Passwords
There exist hackers aiming for ‘identity theft.’ They hack into your email/social media accounts. Emails and messages emanating from their respective email/social media accounts can adversely affect the image and self-esteem of your children. So don’t use words from the dictionary in passwords. It is recommended to use a long combination of letters, numbers, and symbols. Remember that the longer your password the harder it is to hack it. This important step will go a long way in ensuring your children’s online safety.
Encourage Children to Contribute
It is inevitable that your child uses the Internet. He/She may use social media to communicate with their friends. Warn your child against the menace of cyberbullying. Show them how to block the cyberbully online. Chances are they may be better acquainted with blocking undesired strangers. Encourage your children to show how they use the internet. It is noticed that children are more likely to abide by rules if they have been involved in setting the rules in the first place.
Invest in a good quality Anti-Virus Software
Cyberthreats are constantly evolving and improving. Therefore, the need of robust and updated antivirus software. Research on the Internet and ask your contacts on which are the best available option. Don’t make the mistake of saving money while purchasing. The benefits of quality antivirus solutions will be felt by you both in the short-term and long-term. Make sure that it has a Parental Control Feature. So, you can control the length of screen time, ban online purchases by minors and prevent unwanted words/phrases to enter or exit your smartphone/computer.
Children tend to copy what their parents do. Practice the good online behavior and your children are likely to do the same. There should not be glaring differences on what you say and what you do in terms of online practices by you. Creating awareness and constant support will discourage children from falling prey to online traps. Using anti-virus software regularly and consistently will keep cyberthreats at bay while at the same time protecting your children.
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