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Sophisticated China-Linked Cyberattack Hits East Asian Company for Three Years

Cybersecurity News

Sophisticated China-Linked Cyberattack Hits East Asian Company for Three Years

Sophisticated China-Linked Cyberattack Hits East Asian Company for Three Years

China-Linked Cyberattack

A recent cybersecurity incident has shed light on a concerning trend: a highly skilled hacking group, possibly backed by China, infiltrated an unnamed East Asian company for a staggering three years. This extended breach highlights the evolving tactics of cybercriminals and the importance of robust cybersecurity measures for businesses of all sizes.

The Stealthy Attack Strategy

The details of how the attackers initially breached the company’s defenses remain unclear. However, what is known is their clever use of outdated technology to maintain their presence for an extended period.

  • Exploiting a Weakness: The attackers capitalized on vulnerabilities in F5 BIG-IP devices, hardware designed to enhance network security. Unfortunately, outdated F5 devices can harbor exploitable weaknesses, and the hackers effectively turned these security tools against the company.
  • Covert Communication Channels: By manipulating the F5 devices, the attackers established a hidden communication channel with their own servers. This covert tactic allowed them to send commands and steal data while remaining undetected by standard security protocols.

Tailored Malware for Maximum Impact

Once inside the network, the attackers deployed PlugX, a modular remote access trojan (RAT) favored by Chinese hacking groups. PlugX’s versatility and stealth capabilities made it a perfect tool for this operation.

  • Targeted Information Theft: The attackers used PlugX to target and steal sensitive information, specifically focusing on customer data and financial records. This suggests the hackers may have been motivated by financial gain or industrial espionage.
  • Disabling Defenses: The attackers also employed open-source tools to try and disable endpoint security software. This tactic aimed to remove any obstacles to their lateral movement within the network, allowing them to roam freely and steal more data.

Protecting Your Business from Evolving Threats

The success of this extended cyberattack underscores the critical need for companies to prioritize cybersecurity. Here are some key takeaways.

  • Prioritize Software Updates: Regularly updating software and hardware with the latest security patches is essential. Patching known vulnerabilities significantly reduces the attack surface for malicious actors.
  • Security Awareness Training: Employees are a crucial line of defense. Training staff on cybersecurity best practices, like phishing email awareness, can help prevent initial breaches.
  • Regular Penetration Testing: Proactive measures like penetration testing can help identify weaknesses in a company’s defenses before attackers exploit them.

By implementing these steps and staying vigilant, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to sophisticated cyberattacks like the one seen here.



  • I am a computer engineer from Pune University. Have a passion for technical/software blogging. Wrote blogs in the past on SaaS, Microservices, Cloud Computing, DevOps, IoT, Big Data & AI. Currently, I am blogging on Cybersecurity as a hobby.

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Prabhakar Pillai

I am a computer engineer from Pune University. Have a passion for technical/software blogging. Wrote blogs in the past on SaaS, Microservices, Cloud Computing, DevOps, IoT, Big Data & AI. Currently, I am blogging on Cybersecurity as a hobby.

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