Ransomware Ransom: Millions Lost, Experts Fear More In 2024


Cybersecurity experts are painting a grim picture: ransomware attacks are on the rise, forcing companies to abandon “no pay” policies and cough up millions in ransoms, often exceeding $3 million. This alarming trend, revealed in a new report by Cohesity, exposes a cyber landscape where businesses struggle to keep pace with increasingly sophisticated threats, hampered by inadequate data recovery capabilities.

Key findings from the Ransomware Ransom report paint a chilling portrait:

  • Ransoms become the cost of doing business: 79% of surveyed companies faced ransomware attacks in the past six months, and a staggering 94% admitted they’d pay to recover data.
  • Brace for impact in 2024: 96% expect a significant increase in cyberattacks this year, with 71% predicting a surge of over 50%.
  • Data recovery woes: Only 7% of companies can restore operations within 1-3 days, highlighting critical resilience gaps.
  • Testing neglected: Just 12% regularly test their data security and recovery processes, leaving them exposed.
  • Leadership in the dark: Only 35% believe their executives fully grasp data security risks.
  • Regulations fall short: Despite government efforts, only 46% credit regulations for driving their data security strategies.

Cybersecurity Experts Speak:

    • Brian Spanswick, CISO and head of IT at Cohesity, emphasizes: “Organizations can’t control the evolving cyber threat landscape, but they can control their cyber resilience. This means rapidly responding and recovering through modern data security solutions.”
    • Sanjay Poonen, CEO of Cohesity, stresses: “Cyber resilience and data security deserve holistic organizational priority. Every function across the company utilizes data, making the impact of a breach severe. Modern AI-powered solutions are crucial for rapid response and recovery.”
  • Independent cybersecurity experts echo similar concerns:
    • Increased attack sophistication: Experts anticipate a rise in attacks leveraging AI for more targeted and personalized phishing attempts.
    • Focus on prevention: Experts emphasize the importance of proactive measures like employee training, vulnerability patching, and robust security protocols.
    • Collaboration is key: Sharing information and best practices within the industry is crucial to combatting the evolving threat landscape.

The message is clear: ransomware is a growing threat demanding immediate attention. Businesses must prioritize cyber resilience by investing in modern data security solutions, fostering executive awareness, and implementing robust recovery strategies. Ignoring these warnings could have devastating consequences for business continuity, reputation, and financial stability.

Remember, this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute professional cybersecurity advice. Consult a qualified professional for specific recommendations regarding your organization’s security posture.


  • Maya Pillai is a tech writer with 20+ years of experience curating engaging content. She can translate complex ideas into clear, concise information for all audiences.

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