AI Uncle Con Job: Lucknow Man Duped in First-of-Its-Kind Voice Cloning Fraud



Lucknow wakes up to a chilling cybercrime first – a man swindled out of Rs. 45,500 by a tech-savvy conman using AI voice cloning. This incident, reported at Gomtinagar police station, rings alarm bells about the evolving tactics of online fraudsters and the need for heightened awareness.

The Familiar Voice with a Glitch

Meet Kartikeya, a resident of Vineet Khand, unsuspecting target of a cunning plan. He receives a call from an unknown number, the voice eerily mimicking his own uncle. The caller, pretending to be stuck with a “faulty UPI transfer,” pleads with Kartikeya to forward Rs. 90,000 to a trusted contact to avoid a financial emergency.

The Convincing Facade

To cement the illusion, Kartikeya’s phone buzzes with a series of fake bank transaction notifications. These fabricated messages, mimicking his bank’s format, falsely show multiple deposits totaling Rs. 90,000. Trusting the seemingly familiar voice and the fabricated bank updates, Kartikeya falls prey to the meticulously crafted con and transfers Rs. 45,500 to the designated account.

Cops on the Case, Vigilance the Antidote

The Gomtinagar police are actively investigating the case, determined to track down the tech-savvy culprit. This incident serves as a stark reminder that cybercrime is evolving, with fraudsters increasingly deploying AI tools to weave elaborate deceptions. It underscores the importance of critical thinking when responding to calls or messages, especially those involving urgent financial requests.

Key Takeaways for Protection:

  • AI voice cloning is entering the fraudster’s arsenal. Stay alert!
  • Familiar voices don’t guarantee legitimacy. Verify independently.
  • Financial urgency flags are red flags. Don’t rush into transactions.
  • Report suspicious activity to authorities. Your vigilance could help others.

By staying informed and exercising caution, we can navigate the digital world with confidence, leaving the con artists scrambling for new tricks. Remember, awareness is your best defense against the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime.


  • Maya Pillai is a tech writer with 20+ years of experience curating engaging content. She can translate complex ideas into clear, concise information for all audiences.

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